“And when everything else is gone, you can be rich in loss.”

– Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost

About Me, Your Friendly Neighborhood Millennial:

I was your garden-variety smart kid, shuffled through GATE programs of every type from kindergarten onward. In sixth grade, I left the classroom in the afternoons to study Latin roots with our school’s principal for the spelling bee circuit. As you can probably imagine, I was bullied a lot (Apparently, no one likes a first-grader who says “in addition to” instead of “and.”). I went to a competitive high school near Silicon Valley, where– with my AP courses– I had a 4.0 cumulative GPA, but was not in the top 10% of my class.

After getting summarily rejected from the Ivies, I went to a small university in Oregon, where I worked harder than I thought possible to graduate a year early with two degrees. My reasons for adhering to this less-than-brilliant plan were the following: 1) the astronomical cost of college tuition, and 2) the desire to move to New York to be with my high school boyfriend, who ended up ghosting me at the end of my sophomore year in college (s/o to my ex, you heartless used gym sock*). Here comes the controversial part: I got both of my degrees in the humanities. I know, I know. I was young and naive. But I loved writing and reading more than anything else, and I wasn’t sure, especially given my intensifying feelings of loneliness and depression, that I would be able to graduate if I wasn’t doing something loved. I tacked on the Spanish degree because I loved studying the language, and hoped it would make me more marketable later on. Like most ambitious English majors, I hoped I would find work in either teaching or writing after graduation.

Long story short, I ended up graduating magna cum laude, won my department’s award, and learned that no one really wants to talk about E.M. Forster while playing beer pong. Go figure.

Post-graduation, I attended a fully-funded MA program in English with the hope of seeing if academia was a viable field for me. Though my most promising offer was from Boston College, I could not attend the program for financial reasons. Even as a fully-funded candidate, there is no way I could have afforded to live in the Boston metro area as a full-time student, and I already had an undergraduate student loan. I ended up accepting an offer from Oregon State University, where I would get to teach English Composition for a generous stipend.

Another long story short: It was fantastic. I loved it. But as many of my readers know, there are simply no jobs in the humanities, especially in English Lit. Like every baby academic who is just beginning to fall in love with Eve Sedgwick and affect theory, I wanted to continue on to my PhD, but I was also reaching graduation knowing that my future would likely end up like this:


or this:


The Job Search:

Before I finished graduate school, I met with a career counselor at OSU and explained that I might like to pursue a career where I could remain part of university life, i.e. as a low-level administrator. For jobs even at that tier, she told me I would likely need another MA in “Higher Education Administration”. Really? Another MA? That I would have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for? To learn what, exactly? How to maximize enrollment using social media? How to spend eighteen months perfecting a diversity statement?

I heard her, but I also ended up applying to a lot of entry-level admin jobs, most of which amounted to working as a receptionist. I didn’t get any interviews.

After a summer of job searching, and increasingly desperate for cash, I began working retail at a local bookstore, thinking that I could continue looking for a position while I earned minimum wage. I ended up there for a year. Every few months, I was given tasks that increased in complexity and responsibility– everything from daily bookkeeping to making bank deposits for the store– while being told it wasn’t likely that I would ever get a raise beyond a cashier’s minimum wage. At the store, nearly all of us had a college education or more, but we were treated like high schoolers with little to no intelligence. For example, one member of upper management referred to us as “the blind leading the blind.” Another, when I gave my two weeks notice, assumed it was because I was starting college as a freshman in the fall, expressing utter shock after she learned that I was 24 with an MA degree. In addition to those comments, there was the daily drudgery of being condescended to and degraded by everyone’s favorite I-must-speak-to-the-manager-immediately shoppers, who a) routinely berate you for store policies you have no control over and b) treat you like a thoughtless robot.

Some ~special highlights~ from a couple of my favorite customers:

“Oh, I take everything a woman says with a pound and a half of salt.”

“I’m looking for books about the USSR. I bet you don’t know what that is, do you?”

“The fact that you don’t keep track of everything your customers purchase is just ridiculous. You know, it’s because of you that Jeff Bezos is winning.”

Later that year, I moved with my partner to a town about 40 minutes away from the bookstore. At that time, the owners of the store were running skeleton crew, and had almost no one to close the store at 9 PM.They were going to “promote me” for 25 cents more an hour to “be in charge” at night. In other words, they were going to ensure that I took mostly closing shifts by trying to inflate my ego with…a quarter. They offered me that quarter like it was the goddamn ambrosia of the gods.

Hitting 150:

While working at the bookstore, I applied to dozens of positions. But now, with no income, I had to increase the rate and quantity of my job applications. Anyone who has conducted a less-than-casual job search in 2018 will be familiar with the tedious nature of applying to jobs over the internet. You attach a resume and cover letter to whichever portal is associated with that position, then you have to re-insert every item of on your resume, including job experiences, references, demographic information, and educational experiences, into algorithm-friendly online forms, and then answer a variety of supplemental questions. I suppose all that makes a kind of sense. But lately, the process has become even more ridiculous.

For example, Indeed.com, my job search platform of choice, now has its own assessment quizzes according to job type. I’ve applied to a lot of receptionist positions, for example, where the company asks you to take a “Receptionist Quiz” filled with questions like “If this is Steve’s schedule, and this is Sarah’s, what time can they both meet with Client X?” and “How would you label a folder than contains information about Printer Setup?” I have taken this “Receptionist Assessment” about 15 times. None of the companies I took the quiz for ever met me in person, and I doubt a human being even looked at my application materials. I have also taken dozens of in-house corporate assessments, where you are asked to spend about 45 minutes rating your personal attributes on a 7-point Likert scale and then respond to multiple-choice questions about everything from shoplifting to coworker drug abuse. Again, for the ultimate reward of that sweet, sweet minimum wage.

In interviews, I am rarely asked anything about myself or my experiences, but instead given a list of corporate-sounding and depersonalized questions. I understand that for large businesses and universities, some of this is designed to eliminate bias in the interview process. That’s good. But more often than not, the result is an interview where you walk away feeling like your interviewers still don’t know a single thing about you or what you can offer them. Which is (please correct me if I’m wrong), kind of the point of an interview.

Another example: In the past year, the majority of my interviews have lasted around 15-25 minutes, and have consisted of an average of 10 questions that almost exclusively provide sample scenarios that you could probably solve a lot more efficiently after receiving training for the position you are applying for. The other questions are always enormously vague, and don’t provide a lot of opportunities to sell yourself. Here’s a really compelling question I got a few weeks ago; it was one of the only questions I was asked that day:

“Name a time where you were given technology that you had never used before, and explain how you overcame that challenge in detail.” Um, I don’t know, I used Google? I figured it out? 

Some ~special highlights~ from interviews I have been on:

  • While interviewing at a local law firm for a receptionist position, I was told in the first portion of the interview that it was clear that I had an introverted and submissive personality, and that it would be in my best interest to alter myself a bit before the lawyers came in to meet me because “they don’t really like people with the kind of personality that I have,” or something to that effect. No call or email back after the interview, even for a rejection.
  • At an interview for a classroom assistant position, I was led into an empty room, asked maybe three questions (while awkwardly standing across from my interviewer– we never even sat down), then thanked and sent on my way. I drove 45 minutes to that interview. For similar interviews that I have been on, I had to miss shifts at work. No call or email back after that interview, either.
  • At a nonprofit nursery for low-income families, I was told after the interview that I needed to apply to the Oregon Registry** as part of the job application process, and that the organization prefers employees to have about a Step 8 on the registry. It was a process that took nearly two months and tons of paperwork. When my registration was approved, I was given a Step 3 on the registry because “it wasn’t clear that I took AP Psychology in high school on my college transcript.” When I emailed the hiring manager about it, she never replied, not even to say that my step was too low for them to hire me, or that they would be pursuing other candidates. This, like most of the positions I have applied to, was a job that did not pay much more than minimum wage.

Throughout the year, I applied to positions in several different fields, but most were related to education, nonprofit work, child care, retail, and writing/editing, all of which I have at least some experience in. But it seemed like so many companies were looking for (random) qualifications and (expensive) certificates that I did not possess, like the Oregon Registry requirement. One of the most common qualifications for receptionist positions is an “AA or certificate in Office Occupations.”***

At some point during this mess of a job search, I discerned from the “Applied” section of my Indeed account, my email inbox, and my calendar that I’ve applied to over 150 jobs in just one year. As I write, that number has continued to grow to about 200.

Depression Tacos:

To cope with feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and regret that I ever attended college in the first place (when I clearly should have gotten a certificate in Office Occupations instead!), I have eaten a lot of tacos al pastor**** and gone to a lot of therapy. I have also started substitute teaching to make some extra cash while I figure out what I’m doing. Fun fact: they don’t interview you at all, nor do they make you take assessment quizzes, to be in charge of a room full of children. What a time to be alive.

This humble/ self-indulgent essay will not end in a success story, but it will end on a positive note that recalls Rebecca Solnit’s words in the introduction. As empty and washed out as I sometimes feel, I still believe that there are tangible ways I can contribute to the world around me, even if I do so outside of the workforce. In dark times of my life, I have discovered many ways to experience and share moments of beauty, and I am looking forward to sharing similar moments with you in this blog. At the risk of sounding like a tired cliche, we can be rich in loss together.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists This is the website that my mom, an MFT, recommends for finding a mental health professional that suits your needs. It is also the place where I found the therapist I currently work with. I have been seeing her for three years now, and she has helped me endure the trash fire that is 2018.

https://www.selloutyoursoul.com/2010/11/21/phd-in-english-and-life-after-grad-school/ This blog was influential in my decision not to pursue a PhD. The author tries to get you to buy stuff now, which I’m not a fan of, but that method makes sense given the blog’s premise. Especially if you have grad degrees in the humanities, I would recommend checking out some of the blog’s resources and guest articles.

berthamasonsattic@gmail.com If you are struggling with feelings of loneliness, or even if you just feel like you have become a failure in the eyes of the great machine of capitalism, feel free to shoot me an email. Though I’m obviously no expert on anything except the local taqueria scene, I have learned a few things that might be helpful to you.


* classy insult also courtesy of Rebecca Solnit, my eternal muse

** The registry looks at your work experiences, education, and other skills, and then assigns you a “step” based on how well your experiences align with the goals of Early Childhood Education. My understanding is that some workplaces need to know your step in order to decide what to pay you, but frankly, I still find the whole thing confusing and bureaucratic.

*** I have sincere respect for people doing administrative jobs and working in all kinds of entry-level and service positions in this country. I do not mean to disparage their skills or hard work. But I do believe I have demonstrated that I am capable of doing basic administrative work. If my education does not speak for itself, then I just wish that these businesses would give me a chance to prove that I’m willing to put a lot of effort and care into any task that I’m given.

**** s/o to Carniceria Mi Casita (Mis Primos): gracias por todo


  1. Ela Kaimo says:

    Job hunting really sucks. I was unemployed for two months (I know, it wasn’t too long, but it felt long to me because I needed rent money), and every job was either too far away for what it pays, or it doesn’t pay enough to pay my rent.
    I’d like to recommend Liz Ryan’s column on the Forbes site. She has heard a lot of similar stories, and she has a recommended process of reaching out to hiring managers directly.
    Sending love your way!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. abhyaaspti says:

    Everything will be fine. Just start your everyday with presence of mind.. There will be your day.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hang in there hun! You’re a really great writer which is priceless skill that is somehow undermined in the job market. Someone, somewhere, soon will hire you for the job you deserve to love, and everything will make sense.

    — College student that constantly gets asked what I’m “planning to do with that” when I tell them what Im studying.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. terminatingreconstruction says:

    I’m currently sitting at the desk of my current job, which is not what I want to be doing in a decade’s time, and just bubbling with joy after reading this. Finally, FINALLY someone said it all! I also graduated with a degree in English (minor in psych, A.S. in psych) and while I graduated only about 8 months ago, the frustration with having no success in finding a job has been outrageous. I haven’t even received an interview.
    Lucky for me, the store where I worked was being closed, but that store is part of an even larger nonprofit organization with many facets. I was able to interview and start a new job in a more “psych” related field, but is it even close to being my ideal career? No.
    The arduous work that goes into simply submitting job applications is ridiculous and uncalled for, most of the time, considering how little payout (pun sort of intended) us job-seekers receive. My number is nowhere near yours but I still empathize. It’s a shit show out here.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. bapace007 says:

    If you haven’t already done so, apply to architectural and engineering firms as a proposal writer. The jobs pay well and you write a lot so your skills stay honed. You will need to pick up desktop publishing and Photoshop skills if you don’t already have them. Good luck

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Dear Bertha,
    I am thinking about having my University students read this post. I find it deeply disconcerting that we are told to train students to believe in all kinds of nonsense about interviews and the “working world,” when so much of it is “false,” “fake,” or just plain damned fiction. Even when I was training students in job-searches, I always told them to NOT overdress, but to dress the part, or close to it. I was internally aware that interviewers hated when people overdressed the part. Bank tellers and law clerks and receptionists should be in suits, but don’t do it for a food service management position (don’t come buck-ass-naked, either). Anyway, I feel like I helped with parts of those lies. Not anymore, I tell ya.

    As an adjunct English instructor (in the past), I have certainly had to put up with the not being emailed back from an application process, or being told I am “over-qualified” for some position or another.

    I lucked out in teaching English as an adjunct at the state’s military college (Norwich University). Strangely enough, they treat me far, far better than my liberal community college counterpart (no names, cough-cough). Before, I just jumped from part-time teaching to part-time teaching, even to what I do at Norwich,…part-time teaching in English. Believe it or not, my other profession was (is) food service management. I just refused to go back into that industry after about 10 years ago. I thought teaching was low-pay and thankless. My Lords of Kobol, what is wrong with the human race!? I found that I’d rather teach college English, and feel like I’m being useful to society, than stuff the faces of thankless humans who could care less about me.

    I know it is nothing short of a temporary solution, especially with no guarantee of teaching every semester. However, if you get into an institution that appreciates your teaching, you get handed a contract every semester (instead of a back-stabbing administrator deciding they want to cut you out, without telling you why, then lie to your face about it), you might luck out.

    Anyway way, I am relatively happy where I am. I finally found an institution that seems tor really appreciate who I am and what I do. It may be considered “part time,” but I get plenty of work, and extra duties (of which I appreciate). I love this article and would like to reblog it to my students. Just let me know.
    — Glennie Sewell, Norwich University

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Athena Lathos says:

      Hi Glennie,

      Thank you so much for your kind comment and advice. I sincerely appreciate it. It’s comforting to hear that there are institutions that still treat their instructors with respect.

      Please feel free to share the post with your students!


  7. mterrazas32 says:

    Great post, Am on the same boat as you except I majored in sociology and my writing isn’t as great as yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Rachel Lai says:

    As a college student who had recently transferred from business to humanities, from a junior back to a freshman, this post hits home – my daily fears swing between “will I get a job after I graduate?” and “will my degree be recognized?”. Of course, as a pre-service English teacher, it is relatively easier to search for a job in education, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow and see where life takes you to (not that I am sure where I want to go either). Wishing you all the best!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Great post, I can understand your feelings, it is always helpful if we search industry-specific jobs on a dedicated portal like Hot coffee Jobs which caters to coffee industry jobs only.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is amazing ! This is literally the story of my life. I’m so happy I read it because I was literally feeling so alone. When you said something about regretting going to school for a degree in the first place I felt that. Like literally. I’m just in debt and no jobs will hire me ever, when they do; they want to pay me 15$ an hour. Like why do I have a degree? Also I’m starting my substitute teacher process and all I have to do is pay for 200$ finger printing. They don’t even want the resume I worked so very hard on 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I cannot recommend temp agencies enough! My first gig with them led to a full time office position where I got invaluable experience. I then leveraged that position to get another similar position with a great company. If you cannot find a full time position through the application process, temp agencies get you in the door and face to face interactions with those companies that are hiring. Prove yourself, and the rest is history. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I really enjoyed this post! I have close relatives with similar experiences. I wanted to know if you applied to journalism or communications jobs on Indeed? Just curious about that avenue.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Memoirs Of A Female says:

    This was achingly relatable. :(.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Lori Romano says:

    Sometimes you have to go through the really hard times to get to the really great places. Been there. From one English major to another–keep going and keep writing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. nikcococo says:

    Hi Athena, here are some things my friends have done/possible options:

    1) My friend majored in English Literature in Canada and worked as a freelance English teacher online that is paid per one-to-one session (1 hour) to non-native speakers. Previously, she has also applied to work as a short term English teacher in Japan for a few months in a rural primary school (but you may consider this later if you have some savings for living expenses when you are job-hunting).

    2) My other friend knows English and German, so she does one-to-one teaching or freelance translation work.

    3) Also, my school in Australia has extra English classes for non-native speakers as we have many foreign students – not sure if the universities in America has that or separate institutions that offer such classes to foreign students. Perhaps you can also ask institutes which offer IELTS classes. There are probably more Asians studying in the US these few years due to the weakened dollar.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. relsabah says:

    Thank you for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  17. kburns88 says:

    I am going through the same thing! At 30, with seven and a half years of teaching under my belt. No one seems to think I am qualified for ANYTHING ELSE!! Seriously frustrating! Praying you find what you are looking for.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. crh060396 says:

    Fantastic language skills used! Enjoyed reading this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Lizzy says:

    I just wanted to let you know that you are my very first blog read! I’m new to this site and well, to blogging in general. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Very well written and I have to say, I can relate on so many levels. Good luck in your job hunt and don’t listen to those Debbie Downers who have nothing but negative things to say about your job hunting experience. Chin up and stay positive! 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  20. sdavidyoung says:

    Thank you for this post. Your story is one I am sure many of the current generation of young working professionals can empathize with either on a personal level or through someone they know. Reading through your experiences felt like seeing a mirror into my own thoughts at times, though specific details differ. That is, at its core, I have felt the same frustration with what largely feels like a soulless endeavor with regards to fashioning my resume, the battery of ambiguous interview questions and responses, and overall impersonal nature of the process as a whole. From my experience, in a world where grandiose extrovertism is a coveted disposition, an introvert doesn’t fair well. That being said, reading your story did reinforce some of the thoughts I’ve come to theorize regarding how the game of job hunting appears to function.

    Re-framing the corporate-sounding and depersonalized questions into a personal response. In my experience, framing the response to a personal experience in your own life that still answers the general question enables you to fulfill the criteria of what you offer while also providing insight into who you are. The story demonstrates personal confidence and comfort with expressing vulnerability as it is a personal one. You also have the opportunity here to sell them on you. That is, the story could be coloured with humor or be a tangible, authentic example that isn’t a fictitious scenario made up for the conversation. The questions are designed to be vague because in the end, the interviewer doesn’t know you! The ownness of responsibility is on you to provide a response specific to you!

    “Name a time where you were given technology that you had never used before, and explain how you overcame that challenge in detail.” I feel this question offers several layers of information based on your response. You can find an example either personal or professional which gives insight into your history; specifics of what the technology was provides technical information; how you handled it, break down the steps of how you googled it can either paint a picture of someone that is resourceful, patient and methodical when problem solving or someone that isn’t detail oriented based on the vagueness or lack of information provided in their response.

    “They don’t really like people with the kind of personality that I have,” is understandably difficult to not take as an attack on your personality; perhaps, look at it as an opportunity to add another layer onto the personality you already have? Growth sometimes demands change, and change isn’t always comfortable. I am not suggesting you severely alter who you are at your core, but resisting any change at all is straight path to stagnation versus becoming the person you’d like to be down the road. Alternatively, you could ask yourself whether your personality fits the bill for the kind of job you are applying for. If administrative assistants seem to lean towards outgoing and talkative individuals, you have to ask yourself whether you fit that bill? While I know it is easier said than done, looking for work that fits your personality certainly would help with fitting into the environment you are trying to work at. Ultimately all I can say is you deserve to be in an environment that compliments who you are.

    I feel it is important I articulate that I am not criticizing how you responded to what was likely incredibly frustrating and often fairly impersonal experiences for you as I have felt the exact same way many times. Moreover, I do not claim to have the apparent formula to mastering the interview process, these are just some of my own thoughts on what worked for me given time, I recognize you likely already know most of this. In truth, my response to this is largely for academic purposes, but in the end I do sincerely hope you find work in a position that makes you happy.

    Cheers and good luck out there!

    Liked by 5 people

  21. Mike Jones says:

    Reminds me a bit of the writing of anthropologist Eliza Jane Darling:


    Liked by 1 person

  22. hollandwalkerswardrobe says:

    You should know that the tribulations you’ve described elicit a great deal of anxiety–which is of no consequence of course. It isn’t the first time I’ve heard or read someone saying that English graduates are less likely to land a lucrative future, at least not right away. We seem to be quite the opposite; while I am an okay student at the very start of college, my retail history is quite extensive…and yet many still fail to see the potential in it. With 16 years of it (8 of that management) I’m still making 25 cents more than your standard burger-flipper. It is with hopes that this Associate of Arts Degree would land me something outside of retail…but what might that be?

    Also, don’t feel alone. An employee of mine–someone nearly 40-45, had been searching to be a paralegal for some time and told me, ‘its the perfect job for me, and all of the hiring managers told me so. They want someone quiet that can do the work quietly, autonomously, and without no interference to the practice whatsoever. That’s ME!’ One must assume that, after reading about your experience, the legal field is full of quiet individuals. She ended up breaking her ankle at one of my house parties and took that as an opportunity to finally quit the grocery store.

    You’ve also described the application process all too well. What is the point of creating a resume’ when it must needs be remastered for every position using the company’s own software? If it means anything, as a hiring manager I’ve forgone the usual interview questions. Oh I’ll certainly ask how someone handled particular situations, but secretly submit my own (legal) inquiries.

    Congrats on being able to work in a book-store though. Here in Colorado, bookstore AND library positions are usually gripped by the employee until they die. I wouldn’t mind working retail in a bookstore, but the obituaries are hard to follow up on. Love the post, glad to have found it.

    Liked by 3 people

  23. i have started to blog last year November and i have not got any views likes and comments ….anyone who wants to read it is giftislove.blog .i am currently 13 this year and in grade 7

    Liked by 4 people

    1. 10things says:

      It takes time…stay positive. How many times did Colonel Sanders fail before he succeeded with KFC? Many times….


  24. bfontaine74 says:

    Oh my I can relate. I spent last year looking for jobs. I landed one but it was AWFUL. So the search began again. Although this time I was interviewing companies just as much as they were interviewing me. It takes one lousy job to get smarter. My favorite interview question for a call center job was “If you were an animal what would you be?” Really? How is that relevant to this job? It gives me a chuckle when I think of all the bad interview questions.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Sorry the other one is wrong and the right one is lovelypoems.home.blog is the name of my blog!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Sara says:

    I am currently in the state of moderate-severe depression over being unable to find a job. I am stuck with an Honours BA and only a few years of experience but nobody wants to hire me for anything. Not even a substitute teacher. Not even a temporary position that lasts for a month. Not even retail. Nothing. I am also regretting the fact that I even went to college. I was previously in a position that requires a degree, but the company decided to end my employment after only a few months and hire someone else of a lower qualification (polytechnic diploma we call it) to take over my job because they could save money. When I had a job, all I got was attempted sabotage, politics, sexism and sexual assault. I feel very demotivated to return to that kind of corporate lifestyle but I tried, and now I have been trying for almost a year and I still feel lost after every potentially promising company rejected me. To make things worse, my so-called friend dumped me when I am already feeling low. It is easier said than done when people say “don’t let negativity get to you” but they were never in that situation so nobody truly empathise. Regarding interview questions, I totally agree with you that employers ask the most ridiculous ones. I got one “What makes you want to excel in Excel?” After attending so many interviews and being rejected, the spark in me has extinguished, and when I do attend subsequent ones I don’t come off as happy or enthusiastic about the job. This also stems from the fact that I am not even motivated by money or working for people, yet I do not have finances and support to start my own business what not. Family is also equally depressing, which doesn’t help me move forward. I try to go out, eat recommended foods, but it seems like I am just waiting for the Grim Reaper to get me. If someone can help me, please let me know what I should do.


    Liked by 1 person

  27. Peter says:

    The blog of the fucking century! I feel all that pain, except I don’t have a MA, just a BA in just about as worthless of a field. The job market is shit, I have been a Business Analyst for over 2 years, have VAST amounts of management experience, data analytics experience, Systems Analyst experience and I cannot get a interview to save my life and believe me, I have tried. I don’t know if I’ve applied 150 times, but, I’ve filled out my share of online applications in a vacuum and taken those dame assessments. Starbucks, so far, has been kind enough to tell me they’ve moved on, but hey, they said, “I have great experience”, thanks, I know I have great experience. Boeing let me know 6 months after I forgot I applied that I was no longer considered. It’s a mess and I have found that the only real way to get your foot in the door is if you know someone on the inside, other than that, I’m eating those tacos too. Good luck to you, you have very good qualifications and I hope an employer recognizes that soon!!

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Peter says:

    Reblogged this on Pete's Corner and commented:
    This a very eye-opening look at the state of applying for jobs. We’re told to go to college, get a degree, and there’ll be countless jobs waiting. Well, reality is, even those with masters degrees are having trouble finding work and that says something.


    Liked by 1 person

  29. Vania says:

    Great web site you’ve got here.. It’s difficult to find high quality writing like yours these days.
    I really appreciate people like you! Take care!!

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Oz says:

    Sounds exactly like me. Hope your job search is going well. The reason I picked this humanities degree is because I want a career with meaning, now I’m left with a life without meaning, and can’t even find a meaningless career.

    I finished my MA (slightly different in Politics) almost two years ago, didn’t find a job until a year later – but it was only part time, and didn’t even require a degree or anything. Stayed only 3 months as I was struggling, got only a temporary job relevant to my degree in January. I finished it after 2 and half months and trying to build up on it, but back to square one. Applied well over 200 jobs as well, to no avail.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. This is a great post. I know exactly how you feel. I have a BA in English, and have been debating on getting a MFA in Creative Writing or Poetry for a year but finally decided against it. I was successful at graduating from college with under $3,000 in debt but I would have to take out loans for an MFA. I have no interest in accumulating more debt even though mine is medicore in comparison to other graduates. What is depressing is that I’ve been applying to copywriter jobs, journalism, and even editorial positions for over a year now with no luck except a half hearted unpaid internship I just quit because the work load per week was over 20 hours, more than I was told initially. On top of it all, I have worked in the restaurant industry for over 3 years surrounded by people who’ve been serving and bartending full-time for over a decade…depressing. I’m trying to keep up my hope that something will work out but I am also aware now that for my degree there are fewer and fewer jobs available. What I’m getting at is that you hit it right on the money with this post and I am slightly comforted reading about experiences I can unfortunately relate so well too. Best of luck to you, and thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Chris says:

    sorry but being a woman is living life on easy mode.


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